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Catholic Academy Trust

Faith - Community - Achieving Together

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Faith - Community - Achieving Together

Governance Structure

Structure of the Trust 

The Frassati Catholic Academy came into existence on 7th June 2013. The diagram shows the governance structure of the Frassati Catholic Academy Trust and how the Board of Directors, Headteacher Committee and the Local Board Committees relate to each other.



What is the Board of Directors and a Foundation Director?

The Board of Directors comprises of a range of governors. There is one elected staff director, a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and eight foundation directors. Collectively, they provide strategic direction across all five schools and they are responsible for preserving and developing the Frassati’s Catholic character at all times. This overriding duty (which is also a legal duty) should permeate everything that the Directors do.


In addition:


  • MAT Directors are company directors and charity trustees.

  • The Directors are responsible to the Archbishop, to the Government and to the MAC Members for the quality of education in the academies.

  • Directors are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the MAC.

  • Directors have a duty to uphold the MAT’s objects and to comply with any directives, advice and/or guidance issued by the Archbishop via the DES.


Foundation governors (Directors and Representatives) are appointed by the local Bishop specifically to preserve and develop the Catholic ethos of the school and represent the Bishop’s education policy (e.g. worship and religious education) to the governing body. This is why Foundation Governors will always outnumber other governors on either the local Academy Committee or the Board of Directors. There is no magic formula about what makes a perfect Foundation Governor, they come from all walks of life and all ages. But it is important that each governing body has a good mix of skills, knowledge and experience. The Archdiocese of Portsmouth manages the process for the appointment of Foundation Governors and provides support to governing bodies in carrying out their responsibilities.

Currently the Board has three core committees to which all Directors are members.

Chairs of Members, Trustees, Committees and Local Governing Bodies


Chair of MembersName here
Chair of Directors/Trustees Gaynor Rennicks
Chair of BC1 - Finance & Audit, Resources and Premises CommitteeTBC
Chair of BC2 - Quality, Provision and Standards Committee TBC
Chair of BC3 - Strategy, People and the Organisation Committee  TBC
St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School Julia Evans
St Francis Catholic Primary School Angela Wilding
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School Rory McCormack
St Marys' Catholic Primary School Marius Hopley
St Teresa's Catholic Academy Anne-Marie Eden


Head Teachers' Forum


In addition to this there is a Head Teachers' Forum which meets once a term and is chaired by Jacqui Lemaitre, CEO.


CEOFrassati CAT, CEO
Jennifer Camp-OverySt Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School
Rhona MiccoliSt Francis Catholic Primary School
Anne MulhollandSt Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School
Rosie AkehurstSt Mary's Catholic Primary School
Nikki PetersSt Teresa's Catholic Academy


The Frassati Catholic Academy Trust: a charitable company limited by
guarantee. Registered in England and Wales:
Company Number: 8561153
Registered Office: c/o St. Mary's School, Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire
SL6 7EG.