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Catholic Academy Trust

Faith - Community - Achieving Together

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Faith - Community - Achieving Together

Local Governing Bodies

Schools Local Governing Bodies

All schools in Frassati, have a governing body, comprising of different types of governors. One each Local Board of Governors in Frassati, there are two elected parent representatives and two elected staff representatives. In addition to these categories, governing bodies in Catholic schools also include Foundation representatives, these Foundation Governors always form a majority and there are approximately seven appointed for each school.



The Board of Directors delegate local responsibilities to the Academy Committee Representatives including day to day operational matters such as Catholic Life, health and safety, admissions, holding the Headteacher to account for the quality of education, staffing appointments, developing the unique identity, local community and traditions for the school.

Each school has it’s own Local Board of Governors. You can find out more through the following links of each school website:


The Frassati Catholic Academy Trust: a charitable company limited by
guarantee. Registered in England and Wales:
Company Number: 8561153
Registered Office: c/o St. Mary's School, Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire
SL6 7EG.